Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Firstborn

The firstborn has to deal with his parents' fuss
Because he arrives quite early
When his parents are still getting to know their real spouse

The firstborn has to deal with his parents' plainness
When they have no idea on what to do when colic strikes
Or when the new tooth pops

The firstborn has to deal with lonesomeness
Because his parents are still working hard to get the promotion
Or just to pay the bills 

The firstborn has to deal with his parents' ignorance
When their eyes cannot swift from the screens

The firstborn has to deal with his parents' misconception
That his world is not made of toys and books
But his parents' hugs and kisses

For so many things he has to deal with in his early life.
That is why the firstborn always takes a special room in his mother's heart.